

Lead Officer / Exec Member


13 May 2024


Ten Year Strategies


Claire Foale

Cllrs Kilbane, Kent, Ravilious, Coles, Douglas

Stocktake on the status of these strategies

Regular Report

Petitions Schedule

Council Motions

Bryn Roberts / Dawn Steel

Review of petitions schedule and progress with implementation of Full Council motions

10 June 2024


York pipeline of proposals for the Y&NY Combined Authority

Sam Blyth


08 July 2024


Corporate Improvement Framework

Claire Foale

Cllr Douglas

Pre-decision scrutiny


HR policy and terms and conditions approval journey

Helen Whiting

Cllr Douglas



York pipeline of proposals for the Y&NY Combined Authority

Sam Blyth

Claire Foale

Cllr Douglas



09 September 2024


Acomb Front Street

Kathryn Daly/ Cllr Kilbane

Pre-decision scrutiny


Scrutiny process –

Issue arising from the LGA peer review

Lindsay Tomlinson


Cllr Douglas

For information

07 October 2024


F&P 2023-24 Outturn

Debbie Mitchell / Ian Cunningham



Finance & Performance Monitor Q1

Debbie Mitchell / Ian Cunningham



Budget setting process

Debbie Mitchell / Ian Cunningham



Major Projects - York Central

Claire Foale/James Gilchrist

Cllr Lomas

Update report last received in March 2024


11 November 2024


Annual Report Complaints/Compliments

Lorraine Lunt



Workforce Strategy

Helen Whiting

Cllr Douglas


Regular report

Council Motions and

Schedule of Petitions

Bryn Roberts / Lindsay Tomlinson

Review of petitions schedule and progress with implementation of Full Council motions

09 December 2024


Finance & Performance Monitor Q2

Debbie Mitchell / Ian Cunningham



Procurement, Social Value Policy

Chloe Wilcox, Debbie Mitchell Cllr Lomas



York Climate Commission

Shaun Gibbons


Cllr Kent

At the May 2024 meeting it was agreed that the committee would receive a report on the refreshed Climate Commission to better understand its role

20 January 2025





Carbon Offsetting/Insetting strategy

Shaun Gibbons


Cllr Kent

At the April 2024 meeting it was resolved that the strategy be brought to the committee for comment prior to approval



Major Projects - Castle Gateway

Katie Peeke-Vout

Cllr Lomas

Update report last received in September 2023


Update re: Scrutiny process –

Issue arising from the LGA peer review

Lindsay Tomlinson / Bryn Roberts


Cllr Douglas


10 March 2025





Finance & Performance Monitor Q3

Debbie Mitchell / Ian Cunningham



Intermediate Carbon Reduction Targets



Shaun Gibbons


Cllr Kent


Brought back to scrutiny for comment



Y&NY Combined Authority Net Zero Projects



Shaun Gibbons


Cllr Kent


Last discussed at the December 2023 meeting at which it was resolved that the committee would monitor the progress of these and other Net Zero projects

14 April 2025


















Unallocated items





Lead Officer and Exec Member


Telecoms digital switchover

Discussed at January 2024 meeting at which it was resolved that the committee receive further updates as the

switchover progresses

Roy Grant / Pauline Stuchfield




Improving Customer Experience


Last discussed at the September 2023 meeting when it was resolved that a report be brought to the committee prior to approval by Executive

Claire Foale


Cllr Douglas

On hold due to internal restructure.

Air Quality Action Plan




Blue Badge Application process

Discussion in October 2023

Pauline Stuchfield


Cllr Lomas

It was resolved to keep a watching brief, so do not propose this is added to the work plan unless specific issues arise



Possible Task & Finish Groups



Aims and objectives





Community Infrastructure Levy

Better understand the approach to implementation of the CIL in parished and unparished areas, and in particular, what advantages parished areas might have.


Council Communications with Residents